Moji Taiwo is a wife, mother, grandmother, author, Creator and Host of The Immigrant Experience Show (Tieshow) on Diversity TV YouTube Channel. Tieshow is intended to be a platform to openly discuss matters of importance to our collective Immigrant population (first and second generation), individuals and families. During her 31 years’ service with Alberta Justice and Solicitor General, Young Offender Branch, Moji worked tirelessly to improve, impact, and positively shape the lives of young people and their families. As well, she enjoyed training / mentoring young staff and watched them develop and progress in their chosen careers. Equally, in the community she has delivered Life Skills program classes to youth groups since 1993 and models professionally in her spare time. Moji was a founding and active member of the Nigerian Canadian Association of Calgary (1993), the Yoruba Foundation, Calgary (2004) and founding member/Past President of Women of Vision Society of Alberta (2012 - 2021). She is an an avid volunteer for causes that improves the lives of youth, women, families, and her community. Today, I have the pleasure of speaking with Moji to hear about her journey of serving her community.
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