Episode 4 - Jessica Janzen

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Jessica Janzen is a motivational speaker, published author (her newest book comes out May 2020), and a ‘serial-perneur’. Her husband Hot Ronnie are the founder of the Love for Lewiston Foundation. After losing their son Lewiston almost 3 years ago she decided that she would stop wasting time and get moving on her big dreams - speaking, writing and inspiring others to do the same.   Her clothing line - The Lewiston Label highlights the life lessons Lewiston taught her. The foundation is impacting lives across Canada and supporting critical research and medical needs for families fighting Spinal Muscular Atrophy. To date in just 2.5 years they have raised over $685,000 - this year they will hit the $1 Million mark. She loves spending time with family, soaking up sunshine, being by water -  and dreaming really big always with the daily focus to "run towards the roar”!

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