The Voice of Women Episodes

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The Voice of Women Podcast Episodes: Women's Interesting and Inspiring Real Life Stories

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Episode 51 - Jyoti Gondek

Jyoti Gondek believes that we can no longer afford to be polarized and allow the pendulum to swing between extremes, never resting in a position of balance. Because without balance, we cannot get our footing to move forward. Jyoti is a driven community builder and diversity champion,  dedicated to lifting others. To get to the root of problems, she probes, builds alliances, and looks at creative ways to solve issues that affect Calgarians’ lives and livelihoods. Jyoti fosters environments that are open, inviting, integrated, cross cultural, multi-generational and anchored in social connections.

Jyoti also believes in the power of cross-sector partnerships where businesses, social organizations and educational institutions are connected to local governments. The more we can understand complex issues from all angles, the better we are able to uncover solutions.

Jyoti’s household consists of her mum, Surjit, husband Todd,  16-year-old Justice and Smokey the dog. Like many Calgarians, Jyoti understands the blessings and challenges of managing a  multi-generational home, but wouldn’t have it any other way. At the end of the day, family has always been a priority, and it’s this experience that makes her a strong, compassionate and resilient leader.

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Episode 50 - Frances Wright

Frances Wright is very grateful that her parents brought her to Calgary from South Africa when she was six years old.

Calgary has been a great place to receive education (B.A., Psychology/Sociology, U of C, an Hons. B.Journalism, Carleton; and a Canadian Securities Course); start businesses (Wright Consultants 1975-79; PORTS International 1980-90; Pillow Parlor 1991-93 and MOMpreneur® 2008-2011); and launch foundations (Famous 5 Foundation, Founder/CEO 1995-2004 and the Canadian Centre for Male Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse – cc4ms, Founder/CEO, 2012- present). Currently, she is the Chair of the F5F focusing on inspiring women to be nation builders – and celebrate the 95th Anniversary of the ‘Persons’ Case on Oct. 18, 2024.

Frances and her friends established the Hazel Gillespie Community Investment Leadership Award in 2007 to honour Hazel Gillespie and celebrate outstanding community investment leaders.  Since 2003, Frances and some of her other friends have hosted Breaking Bread dinners to raise funds for teachers in Afghanistan through Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan.

Frances is the grateful recipient of a number of awards such as the Integrity Award from Rotary, the Governor General’s ‘Persons’ Award, an Honourary Degree from U of C, the Alberta Order of Excellence and an Order of Canada. All have been accepted in the name of everyone who has helped along the way!

As the happy and proud spouse of Richard Pootmans, our next City Councillor for Ward 6, Frances is looking forward to many more years of repaying Canada for allowing her to be a citizen.

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Episode 49 - Rachel Herbert

Rancher and author, Rachel Herbert was born and raised in Calgary, Alberta. The great-granddaughter of pioneer ranchers, but a long-time vegetarian, she returned to her roots and the family ranch near Nanton, Alberta. Alongside her husband, Tyler, she raises and direct-markets grassfed, grass-finished beef. They are the fourth generation, raising the fifth, to live, play, and work on the land at Trail’s End Ranch in the Porcupine Hills. Rachel holds an MA in History from the University of Calgary and is the author of Ranching Women in Southern Alberta. When she’s not feeding cows or chasing kids, or vice versa, she can be found reading, riding, and advocating for the ranching West.

* The VOW is excited to launch the Pioneer Women series for the month of June, celebrating Calgary women who are modern pioneers in their field. These intimate conversations will bring the Western Spirit alive as we countdown to Stampede by highlighting local women who have made significant strides for womankind. *

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Episode 48 - Marlo Brausse

Marlo Brausse is the Founder and CEO of Barre Body Studio where she specializes in offering group fitness classes, instructor training and spiritual wellness programs. In March 2020 Marlo launched an online fitness platform to keep the BBS community connected and moving throughout the pandemic. Despite the difficulties that 2020 presented, Marlo and her team have continuously grown their online audience and are reaching people across the globe.

Marlo is a two time finalist of the RBC Women of Influence Award and 2017 Prairie Finalist for Entrepreneur of the Year. She is the 2019 recipient of Women of Inspiration Award and Top Barre Fitness Instructor Award. She has been an active member of the small business community in Calgary for over 9 years and continues to lend her time to entrepreneurs seeking her mentorship. Marlo has built a successful business while raising three children and uses her voice to support and encourage other women to follow their dreams.

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Episode 47 - Lynn C. Cox

Lynn C. Cox is a Rapid Transformational Therapist® (RTT), Certified Hypnotherapist, Yoga, Meditation and Kung Fu coach and Communications Consultant. She uses RTT, a multi-award-winning therapy, to help clients unearth root cause issues, extract harmful beliefs and recode them. Lynn combines her expertise in yoga, martial arts and meditation with RTT® to help clients overcome struggles with weight wellness and food addictions. She also treats clients for a range of issues including anxiety, depression, addictions, performance and more.

Lynn has a passion for people, psychology, ancient philosophies, wellness and her half-pug Jimmy! Her first career was in communications and public relations and RTT® is her ‘rest of my life’ career. She loves the work she does, and her greatest joy is seeing clients overcome issues and transform their live. Her maxim is Power, Freedom, Truth.

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Episode 46 - Catherine McAteer

Calgary based employment and immigration lawyer.  She founded Confluence Law in 2014 with a goal to practice law differently - on her own terms - for her clients, her family and herself.  Catherine is a former engineer and until recently ran a photography business alongside her law practice.  She is an avid cyclist and parent of two girls - aged 9 and 12.⁣

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Episode 45 - Lisa Krzyzewski

Measurably reversing your biological clock – that’s what Lisa Krzyzewski, Founder of Aeon Future Health, Canada’s premier longevity & health optimization clinic/facility is on a mission to do! Born out of a personal need for better health and a desire to feel as healthy as possible for as long as possible, Aeon leverages the latest scientific research and technologies to tackle the aging process from the inside out. If you’ve ever wondered what the billionaires of the world are doing to stay healthy you’ll probably find it at Aeon.

Lisa’s own success in health optimization has fueled her passion to help others become the healthiest versions of themselves. She was able to transition away from a successful career in the energy sector and use her extensive business management and strategic planning background to build a team of “future” thinking health professionals and bring a suite of innovative technology to Canada.

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Episode 44 - Lynn MacDonald

Lynn Hayes MacDonald has been a proud member of the Calgary Police Service for 24.5 years. She is also Co-Founder and Head Empowerment Warrior for Empowerment Inc. From a young age, Lynn knew she wanted to pursue three careers; the Canadian Armed Forces; an Emergency Medical Technician and a Police Officer. She considers herself blessed to have served in all three careers as well as helped countless women gain skills to find their voice and place in the world.

While with the CPS Lynn has worked on the Diversity Resources Team as the LGBTQ Liaison Officer, a Missing Persons Investigator in the Homicide Unit and now as the Sergeant leading the talented team responsible for recruiting and hiring future police officers.

Lynn has led a very adventurist life, whether it’s hiking the West Coast Trail, shark diving in Hawaii, hiking to the top of Ha Ling Peak or surfing in California.

In her spare time, she is active biking, kayaking, hiking, paddle boarding and travelling with her wife and adorable fur babies.

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Episode 43 - Kate Hewko

Kate Hewko is a Calgary-based fashion entrepreneur recognized internationally for her collections that are always ahead of the trends. Her work is so fierce and groundbreaking she has been featured in magazines such as Vogue Korea, Refinery 29, Fashion Magazine and Flare, and been seen on notable celebrities Miley Cyrus, Idina Menzel and Cyndi Lauper. Kate Hewko’s collections are undoubtedly an outlet for self-expression, defying age and the status quo.

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Episode 42 - Sue Styles

From a bankrupt, single parent of four little ones to Founder and CEO of her own business school, Sue has become the go-to small business expert who challenges the status quo and sets solopreneurs up for success!

She has put in the time so that others don’t have to rely on the school of hard knocks to get their education.

She went from teaching at the local library to speaking on conference stages across Canada and the USA. From an administrative assistant to a sought-after business consultant who has worked with real estate board presidents, the #1 RE/MAX office in the world (yes, the WORLD!), and independent business owners just like you, Sue guides solopreneurs to reach the unwavering results they desire. Her solid business habits are included in her book “The Little Red Stick- What Gets Measured Gets Done!” and her expertise in business can be found at

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